The Grindstaff Tricolor Photometer (GTCam)

Funded by the National Science Foundation and The College of Natural and Applied Science at Missouri State University.
With thanks to Daisuke Kuroda (who provided the plans of the tricolor cameras developed by Tokyo University), Kenshi Yanagisawa and Shogo Nagayama (National Astronomical Observatory), and Nobuyuki Kawai (Tokyo Institute of Technology).

The original tricolor cameras were developed using a Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research (14GS0211) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, Culture and Technology of Japan.

Click on images to see the full-sized versions



The fully assembled photometer.

The first mounting on the Kitt Peak 2.1m telescope

Getting data!

(Yes, the stars are not round- there is still some work to do. But check out the lightcurves! They are beautiful!)

Local developers include Mike Reed, Andy Baran, Lee Hicks, Matt Thompson, Brian Grindstaff (machinist), and Justin Gilker.