Astronomy 115

Homework 2, Solutions.

Each question is worth 2 points, spelling and grammar are worth 3 points.

Question 1: What are the moons of the outer planets typically made of, and how is their composition different from that of our Moon?
Ice and rock. The inner moons are only rock.

Question 2: Would you expect to find more impact craters on Io or Callisto? Why?
Callisto as Io is constantly volcanically active and therefore resurfacing.

Question 3: From our vantage point north of the Tropic of Cancer, at noon the Sun will always be in what direction? (North, East, South, or West)

Question 4: About how old is the surface in the above image? Give your reason.
Very few craters present, if any. No more than 200 Myrs

Question 5: About how old is the surface in the above image? Give your reason.
This is smothered with craters, so 4-4.5 Gyrs old
If you don't think it is 4 billion years or older, provide a process which has erased/covered craters.
No erosion on this object.

Question 6: About what is the density of rocky terrestrial planets?
3.5-5.5 g/cc

Question 7: About how old is the surface in the above image? Give your reason.
No more than a few million years old. There are no craters present.

Question 8: What element is Jupiter mostly made of?

Question 9: Textbook Chapter 11 Question 20.
Jupiter is denser than water, yet composed for the most part of two light gases, hydrogen and h elium. What makes Jupiter as dense as it is?
It is so massive that the weight of the outer part compresses the inner part, making it more dense.

Question 10: Textbook Chapter 12 Question 4.
Explain the energy source that powers the volcanoes of Io.
Tidal force (from a non-circular orbit around Jupiter).

Question 11: Textbook Chapter 10, Question 15.
Why is there so much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus than in that of Earth? Why so much more carbon dioxide than on Mars?
The main answer is liquid water- which pulls carbon out of the atmosphere. Earth has it, Venus and Mars do not

Bonus Question 12: (2pts)
I notice that stars twinkle and think it is caused by our Earth's atmosphere. I predict that above the Earth's atmosphere, stars should not twinkle.
The last sentence is what part of the scientific method?
Prediction based on a theory/explanation/idea

2 points per problem. If no written answer (letter only) -1 point. If incorrect letter, 0 points. 3 free points.
HW2 multiple choice solutions
1) B
2) B
3) C
4) A
5) C
6) C
7) A
8) A
9) B
10) D
11) A