Mike's Voyager Episode Review Page: Drone

Seven:You must comply!(in letting the Doctor save you)

Drone: I will not.
Seven: You're hurting me.
Drone: You will adapt.

Seven: Mama Borg.

This definately is the season highlight for me! It has the emotion that justifies adding a character like Seven (or Data or Spock?) to a show. It's also nice to notice that Jeri Ryan is really a marvelous actor as well as the Borg Beauty! Seven grows emotionally as the result of a Borg Superdrone being created from Seven's nanoprobes and the Doctor's transmitter. And we get to watch!
The Superdrone, self-designation One, is incredibly advanced and can assimilate information like the wind. Yet he needs Seven for emotional guidance. Seven's pride and 'parental affection' are obvious as One grows and looks for his place amongst the crew. Unfortunately, he transmits a signal to the Borg Collective and they come for him. One has many questions concerning the Collective, and the writers did a good job of concealing how it would go when the Borg arrive to take One. The discussion between Seven and One when the Borg arrive is also extremely well written and acted. We can see the inner conflict that not only One, but Seven has to deal with when confronted with the lure of the Collective. And the ending is the best part. I really felt Seven's loss and pain. Yes, I always favor the episodes that illicit an emotional response!

How'd Their Science Fair?

Fortunately, there was not much science in this episodes. However, there are a couple of things that disturb me: Why do they keep beaming the Doctor around for? He's a hologram! Sure, his transmitter's real, but the whole thing is just too contrived for me. Also, the growth rate was really something, though I don't really ask them to explain it since I don't know much about how drones grow- and that's okay.