Issues to be dealt with (should be working roughly top to bottom):

  1. Focus script works but needs adjustment.
  2. Dome script also works but needs adjustment.
  3. Image headers have some incorrect values. LST,HA, and airmass, at least, are currently incorrect.
  4. Install a dew zapper To keep the telescope from having dew/frost on the optics.
  5. Morning shutdown procedures. This currently does not work properly.
  6. Evening start-up procedures. Sometimes this does not go as it should. Why?
  7. Night Report to know what BORAT has done during the night.
  8. Instrument cleaning. It needs to be done.
  9. Dome fans to keep the temperature inside the dome at an appropriate level.
  10. Temperature monitoring. We should know and record temperatures at various places.
  11. The all-sky camera need to be working.
  12. Security. This system needs to be functioning.
  13. Clean up image header files. Currently they have lots of superflous information.
  14. on-target drift should find a better solution.
  15. Naming issue: if you repeat a target during the same night, it overwrites the files as it re-uses the same names.
