2015 Collaboration Meeting

Held at NASA's Glenn Research Center

Meeting Agenda.

Mike's Observation Presentation Has a lot of overview about observing exoplanets and then year 3 progress.

Bruce Fegley's Presentation. Information about his modeling techniques and methods for year 3.

Nate Jacobson's Presentation about lab work of hot materials. Mainly concerned with the vaporization coefficient of oxides.

Dave Cornelison's Presentation about his lab work and plans for experiments.

Gustavo Costa's Presentation about the thermochemistry of olivine..

Kent's Modeling Presentation about creating models to simulate how lab spectra will appear on exoplanets.

Heath Gemar's presentation about lab work at MSU. Mostly about getting water out of minerals.

Discussion points for a group discussion. Including some expenditure informatin.


One of the conference rooms we used. Bruce is giving his talk.

A group picture in the ice tunnel.

A picture of cars in the tire test area.
Aberation corrected images of Venus' surface from the Soviet probes. This was shown during one of the talks.